Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Paper, China's wondrous invention.

Paper. Who doesn't use paper nowadays. So easily available nowadays, that many people may think "How is paper made?", "Does the type of tree affect the quality of paper?", "From where did paper originate from?". 

Paper is widely believed to be originated from China, though other forms of paper like papyrus have been used before China invented it. Paper is classified under one of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China, since paper was created during the early 2nd Century. In the past, paper was already used for writing, wrapping or padding for bronze mirrors, wrapping of poisonous medicine. In later periods of time, it is used as toilet paper. The methods of paper were spread in the year 604 in Goguryeo, even though China is quite reluctant to share this technology with the other countries. 

Paper is made using trees, in which the process would be troublesome to write out here. I'd point you here.  

Paper is a product used by many to scribble information quickly, to be used in printing and many more. Paper is such an important product, so much that without it, life would never be the same again. To prove my point, here are some examples : 

Primary School : Your textbooks are made of paper. You have to hand in most of your homework in paper, rather, all of it. You crushed your piece of paper and threw it at someone you hate or want to irritate. You made paper planes and threw it around in your classroom. You started to get interested in origami.

Secondary School : Your textbooks, again, are made of paper. Most of your homework needs to be submitted in the form of paper. You take quick notes in your exercise book/notebooks, which is made of paper. You might be folding origami, again.

JC/Poly : Your textbooks are made of paper. It's a given fact, no matter how you would want to deny that you are not using paper now. A period of time where poly students are complaining how heavy their books are. You might still be folding origami.

University : Your goddamn thick textbooks are made of paper. You start cursing under your breath on why your textbooks are so heavy. You probably might not have enough time to take up origami as your hobby or continue it. 

Work : Your presentation may be done using powerpoint, but your presentation notes for your meeting is in paper. Your paperwork and proposal needs to be submitted to your superior in paper. You might be folding origami during office hours, but your boss doesn't care, since you are not bothering your other colleagues.

Retiring : You sign up for some lame community activities like line dancing, and your registration is done in paper. Finally you have time for origami, with no one to bother you. No homeworks, no stupid project deadlines to rush, no more paperwork to do everyday. You start to wonder when you might break the stupid cycle of using paper.

Death : You might not be able to fold origami ever again, but you are elated that you have broken out of the deadly cycle of using paper ever again. BUT NO! Your death certificate is printed in paper. 

All in all, I must say that this invention is an invaluable thing to us humans.

1 comment:

Ling said...

Funny post, and I agree, paper is invaluable.