Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An invention, or probably not.

I don't think this counts as something China invented, but it's made in China, so I guess it kinds of counts.

You know about the waxxed food us chinese have, like those chinese sausages. Which looked something like this :

Yes, sausages made from pork, which we chinese eat. There are other types of waxxed food like waxxed duck and chickens, but that's another story for another day. So, I'd like to introduce to you something that only the chinese invented, which I think cannot be found in another country. 

A caution warning to people who are dog lovers or animal lovers, please do not read on any further. Oh, people who can't stand disgusting things too should not read any further. 







I present to you, the waxxed dog :

1 comment:

-Kat- said...

Chinese people are siao!
How could they do such thing to a helpless furry little animal! >.<
I wouldn't mind if the animal is processed until it's unrecognisable, but the dog...ugghhh!! Disgusting!